
Understanding one's 'self' can be greatly assisted through Counselling and psychotherapy!


Unresolved emotions can have a negative effect on the way we live.

earth connection

New openings are always there, ahead, if we are prepared to follow the path.

Live in Somerset, where we continue to develop our areas of personal interest and growth. We provide Counselling and Psychotherapy services for individual clients, small groups for people who are interested in personal growth and Self-Discovery, Holotropic Breathwork for those who wish to really deepen their process of self understanding.

We each hold a Post-graduate diploma in Transpersonal and Emotional Release Counselling, a Certificate in Sandplay Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Expressive Therapies with Adolescents and Children, and are 'Certified Holotropic Breathwork Practitioners'.

We are members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and abide by the code of Ethics and Confidentiality of that organisation.

To contact us:

Tel: 01460 249771
Mobile: 07799 707 150

When living in Australia, we were members of the Queensland Transpersonal and Emotional Release Counsellors Association Inc. (QTERCA)
(a constituent organisation of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc.) (PACFA).
Members of the Australian Counsellors Association. (ACA)

We were on the National Board of Trainers for QTERCA and were the Australian organisers for the Grof Transpersonal Training from 2000 to 2004.
From 2003 to 2006 we worked in the teaching faculty at the Expressive Therapies Institute of Australia training students in Australia and Singapore.
In Brisbane (private practice) we worked with individual clients (children, adolescents and adults) and also accepted referrals from G.P's, Government agencies, such as Dept of Child Safety, Youth support agencies, Schools etc. We ran workshops and special interest groups in a variety of topics, as well as providing professional supervision for Counsellors, Educationalists, School Guidance Officers and Therapists.

Integrative Therapies Support Personal Change and Growth.


Releasing emotional 'baggage' assists in gaining a clearer view of life.


Sometimes it is necessary to adjust one's perspective.